613-342-3840 or 800-770-2170 info@lgsmallbusiness.com

Summer Company Guidelines

At the Leeds Grenville Small Business our primary goal with the Summer Company Program is to empower and nurture the entrepreneurial spirit of young individuals aged 15-29. We strive to provide a supportive environment that encourages creativity, innovation, and business acumen among our student participants. To ensure a fair and meaningful experience, we have established the following rules and guidelines:

  1. Independent Application and Communication: We strongly encourage all applicants to take an active role in the program by directly communicating with us. Students should submit their applications and correspond with program administrators independently, without involvement from parents or guardians. This allows applicants to develop essential communication skills, gain firsthand experience in handling business-related matters, and take ownership of their entrepreneurial journey.
  2. Self-Advocacy and Personal Responsibility: By participating in our program, students are encouraged to become self-advocates. We believe that taking personal responsibility for their actions and decisions is crucial for growth and development. Through this approach, participants can learn from their experiences, seek feedback, and explore additional opportunities for personal and professional growth.
  3. Embracing the Outcome: It is essential for applicants to understand that the outcome of their application will be communicated directly to them. While we value the support of parents and guardians, we kindly request that they refrain from getting involved in the application process or seeking information on behalf of the student. By directly receiving and understanding the outcome, participants will be better equipped to reflect on their progress, identify areas for improvement, and make informed decisions moving forward.
  4. Fair Evaluation and Selection Process: Our program is committed to fair evaluation and selection procedures. All applications will be reviewed based on predetermined criteria, and decisions will be made with impartiality and integrity. We believe in providing equal opportunities for all eligible participants, irrespective of external influences.
  5. Confidentiality and Data Protection: The privacy and confidentiality of all applicants will be respected throughout the program. Personal information and any other data shared during the application process will be handled in accordance with relevant privacy laws and regulations.

By adhering to these rules and guidelines, we aim to foster a supportive and empowering environment for young entrepreneurs to learn, grow, and succeed. We believe that encouraging students to actively engage in the process, seek direct communication, and take ownership of their journey will maximize their potential and prepare them for future endeavors.

Please note that these rules and guidelines are subject to change, and it is the responsibility of all participants to stay updated with any modifications communicated by the program administrators.
